What is Surgiform Rhinoplasty and detailed advantages and disadvantages - Vietnam.vn (2024)

Surgiform nose lift is a new trend that many people choose to improve the overall shape of their nose. So is this method good, what are the advantages and disadvantages and what should you pay attention to... These concerns can be answered when you refer to the following content.

1. What is Surgiform cartilage rhinoplasty?

Surgiform is a highly appreciated and popular type of biological artificial cartilage used in many rhinoplasty surgeries. This cartilage material has the outstanding feature of a structure consisting of millions of microscopic holes to ensure the facilitation of blood circulation, thereby increasing the ability to integrate with nasal cavity tissue.

This characteristic helps the nose correction effect to be maintained long-term, minimizes the condition of the nose tip and bridge collapsing, redness and swelling, and the risk of cartilage rejection is minimized.

Materials used to make it Surgiform cartilage is ePTFE. With high adaptability and durability, this material is mainly chosen for use in manufacturing artificial blood vessels. This type of cartilage has the ability to bend without any direct impact on neighboring cells. Thanks to that, the method Surgiform nose lift will bring natural beauty for a long time, minimizing the risk of side effects.

What is Surgiform Rhinoplasty and detailed advantages and disadvantages - Vietnam.vn (1)

Surgiform cartilage is used in Surgiform rhinoplasty

2. Evaluate the pros and cons of Surgiform cartilage rhinoplasty

2.1. Advantages

Compared to other rhinoplasty materials currently used, Surgiform cartilage is an optimal choice because of its ability to create a harmonious, natural nose shape. Surgiform rhinoplasty method Thanks to that, it also possesses many advantages:

- High level of safety

Rhinoplasty material made entirely from ePTFE, certified safe by the FDA. Cartilage after being inserted into the nose structure is highly compatible, allergic reactions or the risk of rejection is minimized.

– Durability and stability

Surgiform cartilage's ability to maintain nose shape is relatively long-term, so it brings stable aesthetic results, without worrying about deformation over time.

– Fast recovery time

With a structure of microscopic holes, Surgiform cartilage allows blood vessels to circulate well, promoting the wound healing process, so that after surgery, customers can quickly return to normal activities.

2.2. Defect

Like other types of nasal cartilage materials, Rhinoplasty with Surgiform cartilage There are still certain disadvantages:

– There are certain limits on compatible objects

Although the compatibility of Surgiform cartilage is relatively high, this form of cartilage is still not suitable for use by people with allergies or sensitivity to artificial materials.

– Risk of complications

Although complications after Surgiform rhinoplasty are relatively rare, there is still a small potential risk of irritation, inflammation, infection, etc.

What is Surgiform Rhinoplasty and detailed advantages and disadvantages - Vietnam.vn (2)

Natural beauty after Surgiform rhinoplasty

3. Who should have Surgiform rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty with Surgiform cartilage is the right choice for those who want a naturally beautiful nose, ensuring long-term durability without having to worry about the risk of complications and without the need for the body's own cartilage. .

However, not everyone is suitable for Surgiform cartilage, so to minimize the risk of rejection or allergic reactions, people with a history of allergic reactions to artificial materials need to be reminded of their choice.

What is Surgiform Rhinoplasty and detailed advantages and disadvantages - Vietnam.vn (3)

Choosing a reputable cosmetic clinic helps ensure the effectiveness of Surgiform nose lift

4. Notes after Surgiform rhinoplasty

To ensure optimal effectiveness of Surgiform rhinoplasty and minimize the risk of complications, post-operative care plays a very important role. Therefore, during post-operative care, customers need to pay attention to:

– Monitor and implement measures to reduce swelling

Swelling and bruising of the nose are common in the first days after surgery but are not a cause for concern. Applying a gentle cold compress to the nose and using a pillow to elevate your head while sleeping can help reduce swelling.

In addition, you also need to carefully monitor signs of swelling, pain, bleeding, etc. to prevent the risk of infection. If these signs persist and do not improve or get worse, you need to see a specialist for immediate treatment.

– Be cautious in daily activities

When participating in daily activities, avoid bowing your head low, doing vigorous activities, carrying, etc. for at least the first 2 weeks. This will help avoid unnecessary pressure on the newly operated nose area. In addition, you should not touch or touch your nose too hard to avoid changing the shape of your nose.

– Clean your nose

Your doctor will give you detailed instructions on how to clean your nose while the wound has not recovered. Try to follow these instructions correctly and use saline to wash the wound gently. Cleaning your nose according to instructions will help prevent the risk of infection and help the wound heal faster.

– Re-examination on schedule

The doctor will schedule a follow-up visit to check the effectiveness of the surgery, assess the risk of complications and ensure that the recovery rate is occurring normally. Therefore, you need to remember and have a follow-up appointment on time to properly assess your condition and promptly handle any adverse factors affecting the effectiveness of surgery.

Surgiform Rhinoplasty is a modern method of beautifying nose shape, ensuring safety and aesthetic factors, and is a priority choice for those who want nose aesthetics. However, choosing this method still requires examination and advice from a specialist to assess its suitability for each person's beauty wishes and health status.

Customers need a health check-up with our team of specialist doctors MEDLATEC Healthcare System, please contact the hotline 1900 56 56 56 for quick scheduling instructions.

Sources: https://medlatec.vn/nang-mui-surgiform-la-gi-va-danh-gia-chi-tiet-uu-nhuoc-diem

What is Surgiform Rhinoplasty and detailed advantages and disadvantages - Vietnam.vn (2024)
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