‘They/Thems hate Cait’: Caitlin Clark snubbed by U.S. Olympic team but wait ’til you see who did make cut (2024)

Winning the gold for America has taken a back seat to the Caitlin Clark hatefest with it being reported that the WNBA’s most unappreciated superstar was snubbed for the summer Olympics.

When the U.S. women’s basketball team takes the court for the Paris games later this summer, it will be minus the most dynamic young player in the game, the former NCAA wunderkind who has received a rude welcome since turning pro, primarily because she’s white and not a lesbian.

RACISM: Will the US Olympic basketball team reverse course and include Caitlin Clark on the 2024 roster after sources reveal that the decision to exclude her was racially motivated? Should the WNBA’s biggest star play for her country? pic.twitter.com/q3JqDhE803

— @amuse (@amuse) June 8, 2024

On Saturday, multiple media outlets reported that the 22-year-old Indiana Fever guard won’t be included on Team USA’s 12-person roster, a stunning slight but par for the course with the Olympics now being just another venue for grandstanding activists to promote their anti-American, far-left ideology.

An excuse is already out there that the reason Clark was left off is because “she wasn’t able to make the national training camp in Cleveland after she was invited because she was leading Iowa to the Final Four,” according to “woke” sports outlet ESPN.

In place of Clark – who has been battered and mistreated on and off the court during her fledgling WNBA career – will be tattooed, anti-American lesbian doper Brittney Griner who famously spent time in a Russian prison after violating the country’s anti-drug laws in 2022.

Before getting busted at the Moscow airport, Griner was one of the players who participated in protests of the National Anthem and also expressed anti-American sentiment. She was freed in 2022 after one of the most lopsided trades in history when President Joe Biden swapped her for notorious Russian arms dealer and terrorist Viktor Bout aka the “Merchant of Death.”

It will be Griner’s first trip abroad since she was sprung from Russian jail.

There was once a time when American pride of being the best you can be on the world stage was a given, now Team USA will feature a woman who wore her contempt for her country like a badge of honor, will she lead her teammates in another protest of the flag in Paris?

Reactions poured in like Clark raining down buckets from three-point territory, with X users expressing incredulity and anger that the generational talent wasn’t deemed worthy of a spot on the team.

The Olympics snub is “the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard,” said Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy in a video rant.

“How dumb are these people?” Portnoy asked. “Never complain about women salaries ever again. Make that team fly commercial. Unreal dumb.”

“I’d rather watch grass grow, I’d rather watch paint dry. I’d rather watch dirt just be moved around because Caitlin Clark is not on the team,” he added. “If she’s there, it’s appointment TV. You people, whoever did this, take your brain, put it in a museum and study it for how dumb you are.”

Jason Whitlock of “Fearless” summed it up perfectly.

Women’s basketball decision-makers are not dumb. They’ve been bullied by the BLM-LGBTQIA+Silent P Alphabet Mafia bigots. Same cowardice that built George Floyd statues, turned Juneteenth into a federal holiday, codified same-sex marriage, allows “kid-friendly” drag shows, let…

— Jason Whitlock (@WhitlockJason) June 8, 2024

“Women’s basketball decision-makers are not dumb. They’ve been bullied by the BLM-LGBTQIA+Silent P Alphabet Mafia bigots. Same cowardice that built George Floyd statues, turned Juneteenth into a federal holiday, codified same-sex marriage, allows ‘kid-friendly’ drag shows, let ‘Lia Thomas’ swim… They keep making offers we don’t refuse. The Mafia hates Cait. She refuses to publicly worship the Yas Queens and doesn’t scissor, so she sleeps with the fishes,” the acclaimed sportswriter posted on X.

“They/Thems Hate Cait,” Whitlock added. “End of story.”

More reactions to Clark being snubbed.

Caitlin Clark should be on the Women’s US Olympic Basketball team.

That’s it. That’s the tweet.

— Riley Gaines (@Riley_Gaines_) June 8, 2024

Caitlin Clark has been excluded from the women’s Olympic team.

Brittney Griner, who wouldn’t stand for the US National Anthem, made the team.

Who else thinks this was intentional? pic.twitter.com/cHIR7YiHtg

— TaraBull (@TaraBull808) June 8, 2024

It’s unbelievable how much both the WNBA and USA basketball have botched every step of the way with Caitlin Clark.

They’ve been handed the eyeballs and attention they’ve wanted for decades but because they don’t like who’s bringing them, they refuse to accept them.

— Brandon Walker (@BFW) June 8, 2024

Lmao – the fact that they turned their league/game altering superstar into a political lightning rod is so damn funny.

— Brandon Peign (@PurplePeign) June 8, 2024

They don’t want a straight white perosn to be their shining star, trust me.

— Sky (@SkylerRozzell) June 8, 2024

“It’s women are catty, the league is very lesbian and she’s not, and there’s race. There’s a lot going on,” HBO’s Bill Maher said on Friday’s edition of his show, before the snub was announced.

For Clark, its just the latest indignity inflicted upon a young woman who was touted as a “savior” for a sports league that few were interested in watching. Since being drafted first overall in April, she has been on the receiving end of much mistreatment from her overwhelmingly black WNBA colleagues who are jealous of her, and clearly loathe her because of her skin color and sexuality.

So much so, that the WNBA could kill the goose that laid the golden egg.


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‘They/Thems hate Cait’: Caitlin Clark snubbed by U.S. Olympic team but wait ’til you see who did make cut (2024)
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