The Sunbury Gazette from Sunbury, Pennsylvania (2024)

"Democracy." from the Boston papers of Friday last, that the Figure Head representing General Andrew Jackson, President ofthe United States, which was lately placed on the bows of the frigate Constitution, by order of Commodore FMiot was, on Timrcoir nitrht Int. mrtlv removed satUkuav MORNING, JULY 12. Depopulated Pillage. Extract of a letter from a traveller, dated St. Louis: A few miles below Alton, I passed a deserted village, the.

whole population of which had been destroyed by the "Milk sickness." The hamlet consisted of a couple of mills and a number of frame houses, not one of which was now tenanted; but the dried weeds of last year choked the threshhotd of the latter, and the race-ways of the mills were cumbered up with floating timber, while the green sliirle of 2 summers hung heavily upon their motionless: wheels. Not an from the place of deposite, by sawing off. the Head The person who ''done the great fend good or every nation, with von heart and hand. You cannot kill a nations enemy too dead Democratic Free Fnts. I (From the Patterson Courier.) OBITUARY.

Died, on Friday last, after a short but severe illness, THE MECHANICS' BANK, of Patterson, Aged 11 months and five days, leaving a numerous circle of relatives and friends to mourn its loss. It seldom falls to our lot to record a more melancholy death than the above, which occurred fast' week in our village. This serious event had been anticipated bv the nowin? onpt- pirtfc Inllv bv those town: and the very crows themselves seemed to make a circuit round the fatal place when they came in. view of the thickly sown burial ground on the 6kirts of the deserted Village. Extraordinary Escape.

A soldeir of the 42d Highlanders was severely wound- tA Wntprlnn; hut. linfnrtnn'itciv fnr who were in the habit of phle- -l i i DOIUHU.1HU me musi ireeiy ana wno were Desi acquainiea wun tne Uonstitution ana habits of the patient. It is said hat the 7 ..4 1.. a. The Communication signed c-ime too t.r this week's paper.

The contents of tlie piece appears to us, to be of such a uitui as to require the name of the author before it appear. 7" The Celebration at Northumberland will appear in our next number. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. 7 We have seen and examined a Model cf a Rail Road Car. invented by Mr.

Jacob Brigl of this borough, which bids to become an important acquisition toRail Koad travelling unci to render the ascent and descent of inclined planes entirely free from danger. The wheels are cast with nick or cogs on the inner side of the flanec, upon the principle of the rag-wheel rf a sa-mill. On the body of the Car are inverted iron clicks or dogs, which alternately fall into these nicks as the cars ascend or decend the plane and in case of accident, by Cars becoming drtaJied, or by the breaking of a rope, (as was the case near Holhdaysburg a few weeks ago) instantly lock the wheels and stop their progress. The inventjon is the more complete' as by the very process of breaking, which would otherwise cause accident, the wheels become locked; and the whole train of Cars, no matter what may be the elevation of the plane, are checked and held fast. m.

It is bd'eved that, with this improvement, Rail Road transportation will become entirely safe, and hence it is important to the whole community. Application has been made for a Patent and measures will immediately be taken by Mr. Bright to introduce the improvement into public use. APPOINTMENT BY THE GOVERNOR. George Weiscr, Esq.

to be Associate Judge' of the Courts in and for Northumberland rountv. in the room of Peter Mertz, Esq. re poor Donald, he din not wear his costume nn ttint dav. A mnskrt ball rntrrnrl hit treatment of this bantling by its parents, nurses and medical advisers, was such as to bring on a rapid decline. They became alarmed, and sent to New York for professional advice.

The medical gentlemen repaired instantly to the patient and took a large quantity of blood from it, which threw It into convulsions; and thus terminated its short but eventful career. EPITAPH. Stop, dear Bankites, as your pass by, As you are now, so once was As I am now, so must you be, Then, soon prepare to follow me. Clay's Resolutions. My.

Clay's resolutions offered in the Senate, were voted down in the House. The first declaring the reasons of the Secretary of the Treasury, for removing the public depos-ites insufficient- was laid on tne table, veas thigh, and could not be extracted A tumor formed, however, in which a large incision was made, and the ball at length ex-? tracted, together with a five franc piece (the full size of a dollar) and a small portion of his partaloons. The former must have strucls the centre of the coin, and driven it into the wound. Donald shortly afterwards recovered. A similar circ*mstance occurred at Paris in IS! 4.

Generals Ornano and Bonnet fought a duel. The first fired and missed. The other, who piqued himself on being a crack shot, took aim at his adversary's heart and fired. Surprised thathis shot had not taken effect, ha exclaimed, "What, Sir, are you not dead?" "No," answered his ad-vertary, observed General Bon- i 1 deed" has not been arrested, although the commodore has offered a reward of one thousand dollars for the apprehension of the headsman The Aristocracy of the country are rapidly fdling the measure of their crimes, and have attracted the notice of the people. What Gentleman was it, that declared it "better for the Country, if the British had taken NenTOrlearts when Gen.

Jackson defended it Vhat Gentleman, at Northumberland, was it, that publicly declared, "that no floor or labouring man ought to have a vote at Elections There is no mistake in Gen. Jackson's present opposition to this iniquitous spirit of the U. S. Bank. (From the American Mechanic.) Congress adjourned on Monday the 20th uft.

It has, been a long, tedious, and unproductive session. With the exception of the acj regulating the value of gold coins, and the pre-emption act. and a few others, the eye wanders over tne vast desert of useless, and virulent debate, without one green spot on it can rest with pleasure or satisfaction. The vindictive course of the Senatorial triumvirate, finds ho parallel in the history of the nation. The warfare that Clay, Calhoun and Webster, have carried on against the President, has been marked with all the unrelenting cruelty of savage barbarity no age, no condition, no situation is exempt.

But, thank Providence, the pros pect brightens. The spirit of the nation is awakened, and, so far from the course of the Senate being sanctioned, and in the language of th6 Telegraph ot 30th being considered as 'bold, dignified and patriotic," it will receive the stamp of the virtuous indignation of the People and they will in their majesty, thrust from their abused confidence, those public servants, who have misrepresented their views, and prostrated fheir rights. Already have they supplied the place of Mr. Bell, with the patriotic Mr. Hubbard Mr.

Sprague, also, we hope, will have leave to retire to the private practice of the law as also Mr. Knight, who permitted Mr. Ewing to use his name to the calumnious report on thevPost Office Department. Mr. Poin-dexter, also, will be permitted to have more leasure to indulge in the facination of the faro, or the sports of the pit, and his place be supplied by a firm Jackson Senatorand the 4th of March 1835, willfind the President as strong in the Senate, his Constitutional advisors, as he is in the hearts of the people.

Caution. The presses which have hitherto been the most devoted to the 114, nays 101. The second, ordered the public deposites of the United States Bank, after the 1st of July next, was dis signed. -The appointment is a good vone, and docs honor to his of the poltsville and Danville Rail Road. We see from the Commercial Herald of the 9th inst, that the Graduation and Mason work, on the said Rail road, from the Shamokin Coal mines totheSusquehannahatSunburv, will be given out on the 21st of July instant.

Proposals for the works will be received, on that day, at Mrs. Weitzel's inn, by Moncure Robinson. ncu, inai is very singular; iur, wuuu a fire I generally Meantime, General Ornano perceived a mark of a ball wlrich appeared to have struck him and glanced off, its progress having been stopped by a few five-franc pieces in his waistcoat pocket. ilAmrbluV7 exclaimed Bonnett; "vousavioz lade Vargent bien (you had there some money well placed. posed of i the same way, by a vote ol 1 1 9, to 98.

Western Telegraph. Col. M. Johnson was nominated for the Presidency, by the Jackson State Convention of Kentucky, held at Frankfort on the 10th of April. The Convention consisted" of 145 Delegates, and passed several spirited resolutions, approving the conduct of Mr.

Barry, Post Master Genersl, and of Mr. Van Buron; and an addreas to the people of the United States was adopted, urging the claims of their condidate. To the nomination, he has re Loss of a Balloon and escape of the-JEronaut. Mr. 'Mills made an ascension with a balloon on Thursday week last, from Philadelphia.

He was near being carried out to sea, in consequence of which he had to descend rapidly, and after much difficulty and danger, owing to the violence of the wind, he leaped from; tlfe Balloon at feet from the ground, anH effected his preservation, not without plied that he '-neither seeks nor declines i lie OOUl yUlIHVCl hiti Ul iiuuiuiii inui wn- dence was celebrated by a number of Citizens of Sunbury, at the house of Mr. AVilliam Surls and after partaking of an excellent dinner prepared by Mr. Surls, the Declaration of Independence was read by Mr. Oscar Bradford, and the following Toasts were drank, viz 1. The day we celebrate may it always remember us of the times "that tried men's souls." 2, George Washington the perpetuator of his country's rights.

3. The soldiers and officers of the Revolution. 4. The memory of the brave Warren, who fell at Bunker's Hill. 5.

Andrew Jackson, president ol the United the omce. Ut course, he is a candidate, and will doubtless receive a respectable vote. Buff. Bullatin. Charles Baldwin, Esq.

an attorney of XNew York, while dining at the City Hotel on the 19th inst. suddenly sank down from his seat and expired. His sudden death has been attributed to an affection of service of the U. S. Bank, have most of States equally decided and firm in the Cabinet, as valiant and brave in the field.

6. John M'Lean a sound Democrat and an honest man. 7. The Governor of Pennsylvania. 8.

Party Spirit may it so far slumber, as suiiiu ui uisus. i lie uan uuu imuicu utiuiy ascended and sailed out to sea, which together with a fine barometer and compass, thrown out "during the drag," was totally lost to the proprietor. Miners' Jour. Drowned in the river Delaware, (sup- Josed on the night of Wednesday, 18th line,) Charles j. Franks, eon of the late Judge Franks, of this state.

The body was interred in the Baptist Burying-Ground, at Camden, on Tuesday morning, 1st July. not to awaken the demon, who -has ruined all former Republics and may our countiy forever be free from its poisonoujrtffects. 9. The Officers and soldiers of the late war. in consequence oi competition, the steamboats carry passengers-between Montreal and Quebec tor twenty -five cents.

New It is said that an ingenious Yankee has contrived to copy a 1 1 .1 l.Ustv..nV. the heart. Western Telegraph. Mysterious. We understand that a gentleman who resides west of this place, discovered in his orchard a forty gallon oil to the bank of the canal, and in knocking in one of the heads, to his astonishment, the contents proved to be the body of a female approaching to a state of decomposition it was entirely divested of every article of clothing.

Doubtless this was an expedient adopted to elude a recognition of the body. We also understand that the body was immediately interred without examination, or without calling a jury or inquest, and that these hasty proceedings were by the advice of one or more physicians who were called on the occasion. We are surprised to hear that so awful and suspicious a circ*mstance should have been suffered to pass without more scrutiny, and indulge the hope that a further examination may yet be instituted that something may be discovered about the cask or body by which the whole transaction may be exposed. Rochester Dem. An incendiary attempt, Was made about two o'clock this morning, to set fire to the house of the Niagara Hose The clothing of the members left in the building was collected together; and oil thrown over it and set on fire.

The fire immediately communicated to the frames on which the hose was suspended, and that as it fell coil by coil, fortunately fell upon the bell robe, and caused the attention of the watchman, who arrived in time to save the building, but too late to catch the villian, who made his escape before the watchman could apprehend Com. Int. them hauled on the course, and are now endeavoring to persuade the public that the Bank is dead, By this means they hope to draw off public attention from the all engrossing subject which is now agitating the community, and secretly secure their influence for the Bank. They also have the bare-faced impudence to tell the people that the contest is not the Bank and the people: that with the approaching election, the U. S.

Bank has nothing to do! This declaration comes with but an ill-grace from individuals who, not three months ago, declared that unless the Bank was rechartered, assassinations death, desolation would commence their work. Who has forgotten that the life of our Chief Magistrate has been threatened unless the Bank was rechartered? And will men who have the hardihood to utter these denunciatory threats of vengeance, now insult the public by declaring that the Bank has nothing to do with the approaching struggle? We believe the people will not be deceived. We believe that the Bank is stronger than ever, and that if is now gathering up its resources for another onset, more tremendous and fearful than any which has yet been fought between it and the people. We believe that the claim which has now settled over the country, is but the forerunner of a more, determined attempt at the final overthrow of our civil liberty. Freemen listen not to the syron song of peace, peace, while there remains a vestige of this institution in our land.

In the language of Richard Rush, go on in your patriotic work of extirpating this institution. In this blessed work, you have the the notes to any Quantity, by a chemical It is alleged that it is impossible to detect them from the original. New York, June 30. We regret to have to state, that the boi ler of the locomotive engine, recently' placed in the Hallem Rail Road, burst yesterday afternoon as the engine was starting from Yorkville, with two cars attached. The boiler was thrown in pic ces against the rocks of the narrow pas-atf(: rmd a niece which rehounded- struck Like noble sons cf noble sires, they fought and done their duty, Hail Columbia.

10. The memory of General Pike. 11. The Cotton bags of New-Orleans may they never be forgotten. 12.

Pennsylvania Improvements may they Tealize the hopes of the Lavouring man 'plenty of 13. Our mothers, sisters and wives the last, yet best of all VOLUNTEER TOASTS. By Samuel Fetter. Commodore Barney. True to his cannon the only defender of the field of Bladensburg.

By James Griggs. General Jackson may he do as well in the Cabinet, as he done in the field of battle. By William Surls. President Jackson the patriot, the hero, and the friend of his country. By Thomas Armstrong.

The true principles of Republicanism are tested in the Bank veto of Jharerj Jackson. JBy John Folk. May Jackson Hickory-withes be the binding cord of all true friends to their country. 24 Cheers. By Oscar Bradford.

The Fair. Strong in their weakness powerful in their dependence. They form the only arbitrary sovereignty to which freemen can bow, and still be free. By Samuel Fetter. Henry Clay the father of the American system his zeal for the public good merits for him the best gift of his country.

By a Guest. The United States up side dewn The State Banks declared unconstitutional, and the United States bank constitutional JBy the Comfiany. Our Host and Hostess. The influence nf the JB 'nk. We 'earn 7 and killed a passenger sitting on the top of the forward car.

The engineer was wounded. Mercantile Advertiser. At the marriage of a. Mr. Sears to formances of the ceremony, a Mr.

Levi Phillips became so enamored with the sis- leroi iiiss raiatcn tnat alter a iew mm- conversation, during which, they seemed highly pleased with each other, they desired the domine to tie them in wedlock's holv hand..

The Sunbury Gazette from Sunbury, Pennsylvania (2024)
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