Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion Chapter 403 - Novel Cool (2024)

Chapter 403 Chapter 402. The Old Belonging of Tiangong (Two in One Chapter)

  Confucian chanting is of the same lineage. Compared with classics and divine shooting, it pays more attention to spiritual practice and the induction of heaven and man.

Although it is not like the Taoist weapon-refining sect that eventually sheds its body, for the Confucian chanting monks, the body is just an ordinary place where the spirit exists.

 Therefore, when chanting about a great scholar, I often feel like I am wandering away from things.

Even if the body is temporarily broken, the soul can still exist in heaven and earth.

At this moment, Liang Zhuo was cut in half by the Guangmo sword that suddenly arrived. He was shocked and stunned, and hurriedly flew out his soul from the broken body.

But when the sword flew and hit, violent thunder and fire erupted, which not only swallowed Liang Zhuo's remaining body, but the thunder and fire also spread to Liang Zhuo's soul, making his soul seem to be in a sea of ​​fire.

Liang Zhuo wanted to resist and escape, but in an instant, more sword lights flashed across the dark starry sky.

This great scholar who practiced chanting and chanting lineage died on the spot.

 He recovered from his initial surprise.

 But then came more doubts.

I only saw the magic sword and the magic image. I wonder where the Taoist priest from the Fu Lu Sect is hiding in this universe?

In addition, Master Pema and other monks from the Sumeru Lotus Division don't know where they are at the moment?

 Outside the Taoist Mahayana scene, I don't know what happened to Sal Leheng and others now?

Liang Zhuo still has many questions.

 But he could no longer think about it.

The soul that was torn apart by the flying sword was completely engulfed by the thunder and fire that followed.

 Lei Jun, whom he was thinking about, is not in this Mahayana Taoist scene at the moment.

 Regardless of Concubine Chu Duoming and other members of the Lotus Division, Master Baima's cultivation level is even higher than that of Liang Zhuo, so Lei Jun naturally gives priority to putting more energy on Master Baima's side.

 Compared with Liang Zhuo, Master Pema has even less temper.

 Because she was beaten to death by Lei Jun, who broke open the moon wheel of Yuanming and the Buddhist Dharma body.

 After finishing off Liang Zhuo and the Xumi Lianhua tribe, Lei Jun dispersed his Mahayana Taoist scene, the darkness subsided, and he saw the real world again.

 The war outside has also come to an end.

 Sa Leheng, the leader of the Gale Tribe of the Golden Khanate, died on the spot.

He is a riding warrior who takes the wandering route, and his advance and retreat speed is extremely fast.

 But he had a brave and strong character and did not choose to escape immediately.

As a result, if you are trapped in Tang Xiaotang's Mahayana Taoist landscape, it will be difficult to leave.

On the contrary, Li Yuanheng, the leader of the Tanli clan in Earthsea, although his vitality was seriously injured and was beaten to death by Tang Xiaotang,...

"This **** used Gu magic to replace his death and be reborn!" Tang Xiaotang had a look of dissatisfaction on his face at this moment, but his eyes were clear.

The Dharma image of the heavenly mind above her head is like a huge pair of eyes, and the eyes are equally bright, clear and unruffled.

“A great shaman who practices Gu and is a perfect witch from the Nine Heavens, even if he is injured, his methods are not surprising.” Lei Jun said.

Tang Xiaotang snorted: "No, I'll look for it again!"

Just as she turned to leave, she suddenly remembered something, took off the Celestial Master Seal from her waist, and handed it back to Lei Jun:

“You keep this first, let's do it one by one. After I take care of the Jiuli people, we can then go find the **** who just wanted to seize the Heavenly Master's Seal.”

Lei Jun took the Heavenly Master's Seal with one hand and spread it out with the other hand. There were some simple talismans in his hand, which were left behind after attacking the opponent's Nascent Soul Yang Shen just now and defeating it.

The master of the Taoist Alchemy Sect had previously tried to collect the Heavenly Master's Seal by relying on his own soul magic and these talisman edicts.

"The so-called...Red Emperor of the South, right?" Lei Jun said thoughtfully: "Senior Sister mentioned it before."

Tang Xiaotang said happily: "There's no mistake, it's him!"

 When Xu Yuanzhen first entered Penglai, he had dealings with many Taoist masters, and later chatted with disciples such as Lei Jun and Tang Xiaotang.

 As Lei Jun and Tang Xiaotang both know, in addition to Huang Xuanpu, the Black Emperor of the North, and Han Qingtao, the White Emperor of the West, there is at least the so-called Red Emperor of the South.

Han Qingtao was the previous head of the Shushan Sect of the Ming Dynasty, a Taoist weapon refining sect in the Nine Heavens Realm, Mahayana Gaozhen.

As for the Southern Red Emperor, he was a Mahayana Gaozhen of the Danding sect of Taoism like Huang Xuanpu, and he was a direct descendant of Chunyang Palace.

It's just that due to the current divergence of human beings, its specific origin is not yet certain.

But basically we already know the methods of Taoism and magical power.

"The soul spell he used to secretly attack you, young senior sister, should be the Yin Shen Feng." Lei Jun said: "It comes from the pure Yang mother Qi."

This is a secret technique of the soul that currently does not exist in the Chunyang Palace of the Tang Dynasty.

  But its context can be traced.

The Chunyang Palace of the Tang Dynasty had a top Taoist martial art called Chunyang Mother Boxing. It was one of the foundational skills of the Chunyang Palace lineage. It was simple, mellow and full of mystery.

The foundations of a large number of Chunyang Palace's unique skills are all located here.

The two great secrets of Anode Yuan Qi and Yin pole Baoding derived from this are the inheritance of Chunyang Palace lineage.

 The Red Emperor of the South is also proficient in Pure Yang Mother Fist, Yang Ji Yuan Qi, and Yin Ji Baoding.

 But in addition, he is also proficient in another divine soul method, which is believed to be derived from Chunyang Mother Fist.

 His name is Pure Yang Mu Qi and Yin Shen Feng.

 The Yinji Baoding formed by the pure Yang mother fist of Daomen Fawu integrates offense and defense, focusing on defense.

As for the secret technique of the soul, the Yin Ji Shen Feng is a pure attack method. It is extremely sharp, coming and going without a trace. It seems to come out of thin air, directly passing through the target's protection, concentrating on one point to penetrate its soul, and its lethality. Quite horrifying.

It's a pity that Tang Xiaotang was gifted and realized it early.

She herself first became a Pure Yang Immortal Body and then a Taoist Taoist Body. She often pondered and tempered herself, and her soul was unusually tough. With the Heavenly Master's Seal to protect her, the Yin Shen Feng who called for it was in vain.

“He did not follow from the Earth Sea, but appears here, which means that he is already in this world.”

Lei Jun speculated: "Although it is not absolutely certain that his roots are here, it is very likely."

 He turned to look at Zhu Junjie aside.

 Zhu Junjie's eyes were calm: "Are the two Taoist priests talking about the Taoist country in the human world?"

 Lei Jun: "The layman seems to understand the situation."

 Zhu Junjie: "To be honest, Zhu's knowledge is limited, but listening to the conversation between the two of you, I can connect some things together..."

Tang Xiaotang intercepted him and asked first, "Who is the Jiuzhongtian of the Danding Sect who sneaked up on me?"

 Zhu Junjie: "As far as Zhu knows, only Li Hang, the master of Chunyang Palace, can achieve such a level of Mahayana and high purity in the Danding Sect."

 Chunyang Palace of the Song Dynasty.

"Li Hang, right? I've written it down." Tang Xiaotang said, waving to Lei Jun and Zhu Junjie, then transformed into golden light, and rushed away into the distance.

 She is also busy pursuing Li Yuanheng, who was reborn from the dead.

"Senior Sister Tang of our sect hates evil as much as she hates hatred, is impatient for justice, and is a little rude. Please don't blame me, lay people." Lei Jun said.

Zhu Junjie shook his head: "What did the Taoist priest say? Zhu should be thanking the two Taoists for their help."

 After saying this, he bowed to Lei Jun.

Lei Jun called the Taoist to return the favor: "The layman's words are serious, but these two poor Taoists just happened to meet each other."

After the two parties met, Zhu Junjie's eyes swept across the nine-color Xiapei on Lei Jun's body, and he thought slightly: "I don't know... Is the Taoist surname Lei?"

Lei Jun: "Lei Jun, a poor man from Longhushan, came from the Tang Dynasty."

Zhu Junjie's eyes revealed a clear look: “Sure enough, it was the Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain of the Tang Dynasty who was in front of him. Zhu is very lucky.”

Lei Jun: "From now on in the northwest of the human world, lay people will hear the name Pindao?"

"Exactly." Zhu Junjie said: "The person just now is Tang Zhenren of the noble sect, right? The two names are also well-known in the Song Dynasty."

 The northwest of this place is the direction of the Canglang Khanate and the White Deer Khanate.

 Zhu Junjie and other survivors of the Song Dynasty have been in a bad situation recently, but they have not been completely cut off from the outside world.

Through some news coming from the north, they heard about some of the experiences of the Lone Eagle Khanate before, and then learned some relevant news about the people of the Tang Dynasty.

 Here, the news related to Datang is relatively sketchy, and a few names are often mentioned.

Among them, those at the forefront are Tang Emperor Zhang Wantong and Datang Longhushan Lei Jun and Tang Xiaotang.

After Zhu Junjie met Lei Jun and Tang Xiaotang, he had some guesses in his mind.

The Taoist Fulu Sect has more than one Mahayana master. One of them has a female surname of Tang, and the other one is like the Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain recorded in ancient books, wearing a nine-color Liluo...

 The identities of the two are about to be revealed.

At this time, hearing Lei Jun introduce himself, Zhu Junjie felt that this was indeed the case.

Of course, there are also things that are unexpected.

 The news from the Tang Dynasty reached here, but it was relatively rough and full of fallacies.

Although Zhu Junjie had heard of the names of Lei Jun and Lei Jun, seeing them take action today with his own eyes, even if they were not enemies, was still thrilling. He felt that the previous rumors were not only not exaggerated, but also underestimated these two Taoist masters.

However, Zhu Junjie calmed down quickly.

 The news that people in this world received from Datang would inevitably lag behind.

 Zhu Junjie and others were trusted, let alone first-hand information.

 Youdao is like three autumns apart if you don't see it in one day.

The Lei Tianshi in front of me and the Tang Zhenren just now, at first glance, they are extremely young and talented people who are likely to make rapid progress at any time.

 The rumors about the Song Dynasty only correspond to their earlier abilities.

 It is not surprising that things have changed now.

Isn't this the case for Zhu Junjie himself?

 Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to persist until now in the face of the encirclement, suppression and killing by the Golden Khanate.

 “The Li Hang that the layman just mentioned...” After Lei Jun chatted with Zhu Junjie for a few words, he asked about the previous matter again.

 Zhu Junjie: "Zhu also heard about the name of the Taoist Kingdom in the Human World, but before that, their reputation was not obvious and was hidden in the dark. It was not until a few years ago that their existence became known to the world.

The leader among them is called the Red Emperor of the South. His identity and whereabouts are always mysterious. If Lei Tianshi confirms that the sneak attacker just now is the Red Emperor of the South, then Zhu believes that he is Li Hang.

The secret skill of the soul, Yin Shen Feng, is the direct descendant of Chunyang Palace, and currently the only person who can achieve such a level of cultivation is Li Hang. "

 Lei Jun nodded slightly.

 The time accumulation and past history of the Ming Dynasty's world are now a full 2,400 years longer than those of the Tang Dynasty.

 At present, the gap between people in this area is not that exaggerated, but it is still more than a thousand years longer than that in the Tang Dynasty.

In this case, it was possible for the Chunyang Palace of the Song Dynasty to innovate and create a new magical power based on the original collection of Taoism.

 So on the basis of Pure Yang Mu Qi, there are Pure Yang Mu Qi and Yin Shen Feng.

Listening to Zhu Junjie's words, Lei Jun learned more about this world.

Chunyang Palace was originally the most sacred place for Taoism in the Song Dynasty. It experienced a major split in the early years. A considerable number of descendants left Chunyang Palace and founded a new Taoist Danding sect holy place called Sanchun Palace.

 After that, Chunyang Palace remained in the territory of the Song Dynasty.

 Sanchun Palace went all the way west.

 Finally, Sanchungong went westward with the Lone Eagle Khanate among the four foreign khanates.

Eventually suffered a catastrophe with the Lone Eagle Khanate.

At present, Sanchun Palace still has descendants of the sect in this far western part of the human world, but it is difficult for it to become a phenomenon.

 The Chunyang Palace of the Song Dynasty also had a hard time, and it almost declined together with the Song Dynasty. In recent years, the Golden Khanate finally conquered and destroyed the Song Dynasty. Although Chunyang Palace did not perish along with it, it was said that some of the disciples in the palace, led by its leader Li Hang, went to sea and hid overseas.

 Some other people, like Liang Zhuo and others, joined the Golden Khanate.

Just because of the existence of the Sumeru Lotus Division, it is difficult to say how good the situation of these descendants of the Chunyang Palace Taoist sect is. Instead, they are closer to Liang Zhuo and other Confucian scholars, and the two sides stick together for warmth.

As for the contemporary head of Chunyang Palace, Li Hang, although he fled overseas, he did not seek refuge with a foreign race after all. Therefore, to the survivors of the Song Dynasty, the other party was still virtuous and upright.

"But it turns out that he had other thoughts." Zhu Junjie shook his head: "No, it should be, he had such thoughts a long time ago."

Li Hang, or rather the emperor of the Taoist Kingdom of the Song Dynasty, might have originally planned to fish in troubled waters and compete with the snipe and the clam for the fisherman to profit.

 But the strength of the Golden Khanate exceeded his expectations, and also exceeded the expectations of many people in the Song Dynasty.

However, Li Hang still has not completely lost hope.

“Are the Golden Khanate, White Deer Khanate, and Canglang Khanate already at war with each other?” Lei Jun asked.

 Having just dealt with Venerable Pema, Liang Zhuo and others, although he did not interrogate them, he got some correspondence.

Some of the information caught Lei Jun's attention.

Zhu Junjie nodded: "The latest news from the north is indeed true. Many experts from the Golden Khanate have gone north, including Zongjia, the leader of the Sumeru Lotus Division."

 Dealing with the remnants of the Song Dynasty was mainly the work of Liang Zhuo and others.

If it weren't for the purpose of rounding up Zhu Junjie, a great scholar at the level of the Nine Levels of the World, the Golden Khanate would not have summoned the three masters of Sal Leheng, Master Baima, and Liang Zhuo to come together.

As a result, an accident occurred here in the Wuguang Realm. Li Yuanheng opened the path between the Earth Sea and this human world, and Tang Xiaotang and Lei Jun chased after him.

Li Yuanheng himself still has the opportunity to be reborn and move around.

 Shangren Baima, Saloheng and the others kicked the iron plate firmly.

As for the Southern Red Emperor Li Hang, another war between the three great khanates would be a great blessing for him and the Taoist kingdom of the Song Dynasty.

 But it is another matter to expose Xingzang to Lei Jun and Tang Xiaotang.

 The renewed war between the three great khanates was also an opportunity for Zhu Junjie and other survivors of the Song Dynasty.

 It's just that Zhu Junjie is not blindly optimistic.

“Although top masters such as Zong Jia, the leader of the Lianhua tribe, traveled north and west, and Cang Lang Khan and Bai Lu Khan came east in person, but..."

 Zhu Junjie looked solemn: "Golden Khan, there has been no movement."

 When it comes to the top master of the foreign race, Zhu Junjie has a slightly complicated expression: "In the original war, we failed to seriously injure him. On the contrary, by trampling on me, Chaoheshan, maybe...maybe he gained a lot."

 Golden Khan is the best foreign master in this world, surpassing Lone Eagle Khan Hariger.

 Perhaps it should be said that he is the number one master in this world.

  The Great Song Dynasty was destroyed, and even the mountains and rivers in the world were damaged, and the earth was literally shattered... Lei Jun thought thoughtfully.

He asked Zhu Junjie: "So, this alien martial arts immortal is currently silent and is practicing quietly, trying to reach a higher level of cultivation realm?"

 The realm of cultivation above the ninth level of martial arts.

Zhu Junjie looked extremely solemn: "Zhu is not sure, but..."

Cang Lang Khan and White Deer Khan are currently so solemn about their affairs and marching armies to the border, and actively joining forces to target the Golden Khanate. Is it also because of a premonition?

Although the three foreign khanates have the same origin, their relationship with each other is now completely three families.

Golden Khan went one step further. Canglang Khan and White Deer Khan would not feel honored, but would only feel threatened by unprecedented threats.

If Lone Eagle Khan Hariger was still alive and heard the news, he would probably have a similar reaction.

 In most cases, knowing that the Golden Khan may go further, the first reaction of a character like Hariger will not be to surrender directly.

Rather, try to nip it in the bud as much as possible.

Even if they regret it in the future, they probably regret that they took action too late and should not have allowed the Golden Khan to win consecutive battles and achieve the current trend.

Conquering the mountains and rivers of the Song Dynasty, the Golden Khan's harvest was richer than the expectations of the other three major khanates.

To a certain extent, Canglang Khan and Bailu Khan are currently trying to make up for their losses.

 I just wonder, will they still be able to make it in time?

“Forgive me for being presumptuous...” Lei Jun and Zhu Junjie asked: “How many people are there like Liang Zhuo?”

Zhu Junjie looked solemn, and after a slight silence, he finally began to answer:

"The number is not small. Although the Golden Khan's methods are cruel and the oppression is fierce, they have abolished their earliest traditional customs in the Golden Khanate for dividing the land they conquered."

Lei Jun looked calm and unfazed: "The cruelty of equality."

 Zhu Junjie: "The bandits are powerful and Zhu is not talented, but he will still work for the people of the country."

Lei Jun: "The practice of poor Taoist monks is different from Confucian classics... and Neo-Confucianism and other inheritances. Isn't it the practice of Shenshe and chanting?"

 Zhu Junjie smiled: "Zhu's study is still Confucian classics, but compared to the classics and history, Zhu and some senior writers focus more on the method of managing the world and benefiting the people."

Lei Jun: "Oh?"

Zhu Junjie: "In today's world, there are too many people who are vain and talkative. Although they can cultivate themselves, it is difficult to govern the country. At most, they can only govern their own family, country and the world.

 Fortunately, there are sages who have said that when one achieves success, one is virtuous, and when one achieves success, one is justified.

 We, the scholars, should put pragmatism first and pay less attention to empty talk, which will be beneficial to our family, country and society. "

Hearing this, Lei Jun didn't comment much, but asked curiously: "So, do you practice in your daily life?"

Zhu Junjie: "Those who have no experience in things, their words are inconsistent, and those who have no experience in tools, their ways are not practical, they are practical in the world, and they value both righteousness and benefit. Why should a gentleman be ashamed to talk about profit?"

Lei Jun: "With the current situation in the world, it must be even more difficult for you to practice."

Zhu Junjie said with emotion: "It is useless to practice sincerely but not in line with the great righteousness. It is useless to be high-minded. It is useless to be determined but not to worry about the world. Although benevolent is useless, Zhu always asks himself. He does not dare to say anything to save the world. He just wants to be consistent in everything and has a clear conscience. "

 He is so.

 Others may not.

Lei Jun has no comment on this.

 Zhu Junjie bowed to Lei Jun: "Today, many masters of the Golden Khanate were killed by Lei Tianshi and Tang Zhenren. For our generation, it is an unexpected joy. The situation has been greatly improved. Zhu is grateful."

 A large number of masters from the Golden Khanate and Sumeru Lotus Tribe went to the northwest to fight against the Canglang and White Deer.

 The number of people left in the Central Plains is inevitably limited.

If they succeed in getting rid of Zhu Junjie, the territory of the Song Dynasty will be worry-free in a short time.

 As a result, Sal Leheng, Liang Zhuo and others have perished. Between the good and the bad, the changes have been huge.

Now it is the turn of the Golden Khanate to be quite empty in the territory of the Song Dynasty.

Of course, as long as Huang Jinhan, the best master in the world, is still here, Shanhe will not easily repeat itself.

 Zhu Junjie did not expect that he could defeat the other party.

But if it can interrupt or delay the opponent's progress in the direction, it will be a success.

What's more, to take a step back, Zhu Junjie is a great scholar in the world of Jiuzhongtian. Without sufficient quantity and quality of opponents, his destructive power to disturb the public security war will be outrageously high...

 “Take care, layman.” Lei Jun returned the courtesy.

Zhu Junjie took out an empty envelope and presented it to Lei Jun with both hands: "If the Heavenly Master needs help here, you can write to Zhu.

 I hope that one day there will be peace in the world and I will have the opportunity to go to the other side of the world and climb Mount Longhu to pay a visit to the Celestial Master. "

 “You're welcome, layman.” Lei Jun took the empty envelope, which contained the meaning of seeing words as faces, said goodbye to Zhu Junjie, and watched him leave.

The young scholar himself is still injured, but the next gap period is rare. It depends on him how to choose.

Lei Junze first returned to the Earth Sea with the Celestial Master's Seal.

Even though Tang Xiaotang was unfamiliar with Li Yuanheng's pursuit, it should be no big deal during the war between the three foreign khanates.

Lei Jun will also leave the void portal from the Earth Sea to the human world here temporarily unblocked.

On the other hand, Li Yuanheng himself, although his vitality was seriously injured, Lei Jun had some doubts about Jiuli from Earth Sea, so he returned to Earth Sea for now to check.

 One of the nine days, Penglai.

Although there was chaos before, after several years of recuperation, the place has regained its fairyland appearance.

A middle-aged Taoist dressed in the traditional costume of Chunyang Palace, sitting cross-legged silently by a fairy pond, silently breathing in and out, and using his own body to warm the Yuanying Yang God.

As a fourth-level realm of the Nine Heavens, the Danding Sect's Mahayana Gaozhen, which has already achieved four Qi towards the Yuan Dynasty, Li Hang's Yuan Ying Yang Shen is extremely strong.

 Cultivation of the soul's energy will make it a peaceful soul, which can resist the threats of thoughts and ideas.

The already strong physique and Nascent Soul can further improve the ability to withstand the attacks and damage caused by the enemy's soul and secret techniques.

It's just that the nine-section green bamboo stick that shone in purple and gold was really weird.

 Even with Li Hang's ability, he was still stunned by the whipping.

He has no doubt that if he did not have the blessing of the Pure Soul Qi and Silent Soul, he would have been injured by the Nascent Soul Yang Shen with just that one blow.

In addition to Xu Yuanzhen, there are more than one master in the Tianshi Mansion at Longhu Mountain in the Tang Dynasty. No wonder Huang Xuanpu was killed there.

 It's a pity that it was a rare opportunity to try to collect the Celestial Master's Seal, but I still missed it. I'm afraid it will be even harder to find opportunities in the future.

As for the Wanfa Zongtan in the Tang Dynasty, there is no need to mention it.

  Time waits for no one... Li Hang finished his recuperation, opened his eyes, and stared into the distance.

 Shaoqing, a clear light appeared in front of him, and it automatically sketched out a talisman.

Li Hang frowned slightly after reading the talisman, but his brows quickly relaxed, he accepted the talisman, stood up and walked.

 He came to a fairy mountain.

 One person has arrived at the top of the mountain first.

  is a woman wearing cloth clothes and linen shoes.

It was Han Qingtao, the former leader of the Shushan Sect of the Ming Dynasty and now the White Emperor of the West in the Taoist Kingdom of the Human World.

Without Mu Chunyang, she finally got rid of her pursuers and returned to Penglai.

 But her legacy in the Ming Dynasty has fallen into pieces.

Li Hang didn't mean to take the other party's joke.

 Just now in the Song Dynasty, he was seeking wealth and honor, but it was not without risks.

Although he escaped safely, if Lei Jun and Tang Xiaotang could talk to Zhu Junjie, they would probably be able to match Li Hang with the Red Emperor of the South of the Dao Kingdom of the Human World.

 His foundation in the Song Dynasty will also suffer waves.

Li Hang was mentally prepared for this before taking action, so he felt at ease at this moment.

 “Li Daoyou.” Han Qingtao nodded slightly.

Li Hang greeted him and said, "Fellow Taoist, do you need help?"

 “It is rare that fellow Taoist Han proposes a five-party alliance.”

Han Qingtao: "I have disturbed fellow Daoist Li this time. It is really a matter of great importance."

 Li Hang's eyes fell on the other party's face.

Han Qingtao: "There is something strange about Biluo."

 Li Hang asked slowly: "Does the Tiangong belong to the old country?"

 (End of this chapter)

Chapter end


Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion Chapter 403 - Novel Cool (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.