Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2024)

li A2 tau Oalr Friday, May 14, 1971 SAVE PORE Chippewa Board OKs Program Popul m-' til ion Vis high school students wul oegm this fall witn tne niring new teacher for the estimated 30 students. New teachersf hired for -the cominz vear are John Rassbach as junior high school social studies, assistant football coach and head basketball coacn; Richard' Stelter as senior high industrial arts teacher and assistant football coach: Mrs Linda Christianson, kin dergarten at First Ward; Mrs. Rnmda Cox. Chestnut School fourth' erade: Donald Ganther, junior high biology; Robert Meuerer, senior mgn industrial arts; Mrs. Pamela Murphy, senior high business education and math; and Diane Odegaara, senior high-Spanish and French, r1 ANNUAL SPRING AUCTION city in such poor looking uniforms.

Only three, new instruments have been purchased for the senior high band since 19G6 and the junior high school has received only nine new band instruments in the past 20 years, according Mrs. aan- tineau. i Integral Part The board was reminded by Mrs. Santineau that band is not an ertra-cirricular class, that band members receive one credit for the class which meets daily for one hour. I n-struments are as important as books to a band member, she commented.

New uniforms would cost roughly $100 each for the 100 new outfits for botn banos. "Our children have shown loyaitylto- their directors and to their schools, we feel, is right that we show the same loyalty to them," she concluded. School Board President uut onne "Who Indicated privately Thursday night he will serve only one more term on the board, appointed ur. James Windeck and Ozzie Winger as the nucleous of a committee that will investigate methods of raising the $21,000 for band improvements. Grouping of mentally retarded CLEAN-UP DR.

PAUL SUNDAY, MAY 16 1 llj.M. 'TIL 4:30 McDONELL CENTRAL H.S. Donations of items other than clothing major appliances Ma jor Red Route gratefully accepted until May is. into South Delayed CALL a (Continued from page 1A) dum all over again," 1 1 suggested Sen. George McGovern Rep.

Paul McCloskey (R-Calif.) or Sen. Robert Packwood (It-Ore.) as "honest men who are at least headed in the right direction." "Find one you like," he said, "and get out and work for hira( row. If you're going to save your hide, It's up to you. If you stay at home, you'll get exactly what you deserve." Answers Questions -During the question and' answer section following his address, Ehrlich commented on such diverse issues as birth control, abortion, overcrowding and the loss of interest in the ecology movement Some of his "We should hav3 no abortions at all, abortion is a disgrace, and if the big m-panics would have distributed birth control pills when they vrra first discovered, we wouldn't need abortions now. Because they didn't all abortion laws should be repealed and abortions should be given on demand" "We have to shift our focus fiom how rnany children we have to what kind of world those children we do have are going to live in." "I advocate no enforced population- control methods.

Ihere are better ways to convince people they should have no more children than those to replace themselves. Sooner or later, the boobs in Congress are going to wake up and try to limit population and I shudder to think of the laws they'll come up with." "We never expected that alt those interested in this movement last year would be ready to work at It this year. The summer soldiers have left but they'll come back as a new crisis approaches. We don't need 60 per cent of the population, all we need is million people willing to work at it." Firo Destroys Whitehall hom*o WHITEHALL (Special) A twestory home owned bv Leo Helprln of Whitehall, was extensively damaged In a house fire here Thursday. Damage from the fire was estimated at $8,000 to the home and $4,000 to the property.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pusik, who resided in the, home, were not there when the fire began, and no cause for the has been determined. The Whitehall and Blair fire departments extinguished the blaze. LaCrosse Man Killed in Fall MADIOSN (AP) A La Crosse man, Stanley Thompson, 26, died in a Madison hospital Thursday night from Injuries, suffered In a fall at the YMCA.

Police said Thompson appar ently fell from a fifth floor fire escape. The coroner's office was Investigating. THE DISCOUNT STORE WITH THE. 1 GAS PUMPS IN FRONT CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 146 WATER ST. 1319 BIRCH ST.

EAU CLAIRE mmwmwmmwmmwmm 1 iiimiiiiiiiw The nev 1972 RCA COLOR TV models are on their way and thoKs good news for you. It means we've got to clear out the 71 models to make room for the new arrivals v. and, to do it, we're slashing prices like you wouldn't believe! Chances are you'll find EXACTLY the RCA COLOR TV looking" for among our close-out specials. Come in now and save! try I i ma CHIPPEWA FALLS (Special) I The public school system here will move into new concept of teaching English, spelling, reading and listening in all grades next September. The Board 'of Education Thursday night unanimously approved a program which will permit more flexibility for students in the classroom, letting them work more at their own rate.

Outlined by elementary supervisor Mrs.1 Laura the "individualized instruction" will eive a new look to classroom. Desks trobablv no longer will be aligned in rows as tbey have been and no longer will all students' with I.O.S of 70 be. learning at the same supposed rate as those in the same room witn I.Q.S of m. i -Students Grouped GrouDins of students will occur with those with LQ.s up those above in another. A teacher's aide will assist the regular classroom teacher.

Mrs. Lintz reported that In Rogers Doubts War Power Curb WASHINGTON (AP) Sec retary of State William P. Rogers said today that legislation to limit the President's war- making power is of doubtful constitutionality. He said could weaken presidential ability to act in. emergency.

Rogers gave the Senate For eign Relations Committee a 4-Dace statement. He did so after chairman J. W. Fulbrlght, declared that the failure of the executive branch of the government to respond to ef forts to reassert congressional authority could cause a dan eerous reaction from Congress. The Senate committee is c6n- sidering measures proposed by, Sens.

Jacob Thomas F. Eagletoh, and John C. Stennis, that would limit to 30 days and only under certain specific cir c*mstances the presidential au thority to commit troops with out congressional approvnl. Rogers said he agrees with the objective of delineating war powers but opposes three pend ing proposals because, said, they would set down too.pre-, cisely methods of dealing with complex problems and would "narrow the power given the President by the Explosives Stolen from Arcadia Shack ARCADIA (Special) Nick Jensen, Rt. 3, Arcadia, reported to the County Sheriff's Department Wed nesday that someone had en tered the Town of Arcadia dynamite shack and stole four boxes of 40 per cent American Cynamid Dynamite weighing onn the 0 Another '58 boxes were left Entry was gained by sawing bolts off the door.

Duane Stoner, Trempealeau County traffic officer, is heading the investigation. lightweight Vinyl 50' PLASTIC KOSE "I.D. Durable, long lasting and easy to handle! 50-ft. I.D. green plastic host.

Brass couplings. 1 Only) mi? piitci' Reg. 1.97 Pink or nr 1972-73 individualized training probably will be provided in teaching of math and science, for social studies. Under the present learning atmosphere, Mrs. Lintz said, there is no room to allow bright students to move along at the more rapid rate' they are capable of learning, but more latitude will be provided for learning at one's own rate in certain areas.

Items Needed Hie switch in learning process of dollars in new equipment, such as tape recorders, spelling and reading devices, earphone, overhead projects, and tapes. These will be provided through federal grants to the system here. The board agreed to provide a corps of experts who will be available for explaining the new program to PTAs or other groups of parents. Admitting, "It's not easy to rtate-iOOtudCTts-with you onf a departure like this," Mrs. Lintz explained, "this really is only a small step toward our goal of individualized training.

uroup teaching no longer is considered the best approach to learning." Makes Proposal Perhaps most dramatic aspect of the regular board meeting in the eyes of many persons Thursday night was a presentation made by Ray Santineau, appearing on behalf of the junior and senior high school music department. She proposed a program that would outfit both the Cardinal and Cardette bands in new uniforms and a program that would replace outdated musical instruments, some of which are 40 years old or more. Some Unaware Several members of the Board of Education said after Mrs. Santineau's remarks that they were unaware the music department was' in an, n- favorable situation uniform and instrument-wise. Both of the bands.

Mrs, Santineau declared, have turned down for many years invitations to march and participate in parades, in" other communities because the directors, Francis Ackert of junior high and Howard Elliott of senior hleh. "are ashamed to represent the Blair Youth Charged with Drunk Driving WHITEHALL (Special) Kicky L. Miles, 18, of Rt. 1, Blair, was charged with operating an auto whUe under the influence of alcohol Wed nesday after he lost control of his auto on a town road. According to Trempealeau County Sheriff's officers, Miles lost control of his auto at a two miles north of here on the river road.

The car flipped over, caught on fire and was demolished. The Whitehall Fire Department was called, along with the city ponce department. DRUG TALK iiip By Mario A. Orth, Pharmacist COOPERATION A pharmacy is intimately involved with health. Because of this, the service it must provide goes above and 'beyond any possible profit motive or advantage over another pharmacy.

Cooperation between ordinarily competing pharmacies when time is of the essence is part of "Pharmocy Ethics." Even though we usually have most prescribed drugs in stock, or can get them delivered to us the same day, we occasionally must have medicines immediately. When this occurs we ask another pharmacy to let us borrow the needed drug from him, until we can replace it. In turn, other pharmacies follow the same procedure in getting an urgently needed medicine from us. I he neaitn or me customer is always the prime concern of very pharmacist. Here ot LEHMAN DRUG STORE your health is always our prime concern, and serving you is our reason for being in business.

Whether is be an aspirin or the most complex prescription, you will always find our service to be fast and efficient. Why not let us fill your next prescription? LEOl DRUG STORE Haering Aid Center 201 NORTH EARSTOW ST. PKCNE 2-8331 Doctors Building Pharmacy Avo. Fhne 4-2218 At R. EHRLICH the coast Or to move their big; il 2mm and 130mm artillery into range of Camp Carroll and otner South Vietnamese and U.S.

installations to the' east, Big North Vietnamese guns in the demilitarized zone two to eight miles to the north now can reach these bases, but "the political ramifications of shoot itig from the DMZ, are bad," one official said. Jury Indicts 1st Protest Leader WASHINGTON (UPH-A fe- deal grand jury investigating thi3 month peace demonstra tions in Washington has re turned its first indictment against vYippie leader Abbie Hoffman. Protest planners announced another antiwar offen sive in the capital later this month. Hoffman was charged with crossing state lines to organize and take part in a riot, and with obstructing a policeman. Both incidents allegedly hap pened in the May Day Week ovive to shut flown tne government during which 12,000 persons were arrested.

The grand jury, sitting in Washington, reportedly may indict as many as a half-dozen other protest leaders. Child Dies After Hot-Water Scalding MONTELLO (AP) A rural Montello child died Thurs day in a bathtub after scafding himself with hot water. A corS- nr said the youngster died of shock and third-degree burns, Marie Dawidiziak, 18, months, evidently climbed into tub while her mother was outside hanging up clothes, officials said. SUNDAY ONLY! (Limit SUNDAY ONLY! MWJQ hi SAIGON (AP) North Viet namese engineers are trying to build a major new infiltration route from Laos into South Vietnam, but military sources say heavy U.S. air raids appear to have stalled the project.

The road, running east from the frontier just north of Khe Sanh, apparently was begun after U.S. and South Vietnam ese forces pulled out of the area in March at the end of the 4day Laotian invasion. One U.S. officer who has seen the construction called it "an auto bahn." Officials said they are unc ertaln whether it is just a supply road or is intended to move heavy artillery to witnin range of allied base camps, Heavy Attacks Since if-was- first spotted from the air in early April; U.S. planes have hammered it with saturation air attacks that included some 40 B52 strikes in 3 days plus numerous fighter- bomber attacks.

The B52s dropped more-, than 3,500 tons of bombs on the area through which the road passes, some 15 to 16 miles northwest oi Khe Sanh. S. sources said the concen trated bombing has halted all apparent activity by the North Vietnamese engineers, several trucks also have been knocked out. At the time construction ceased, the road had reached some six miles into South Viet nam, but its total length through winding ravines and river valleys is estimated at about 14 miles. One theory advanced by officials, is that the North Vietnam ese planned to link the road with a tank trail which the Americans cut through the jungle between Khe Sanh and the natural formation called the Rdckpile, 12 miles to the north east, during the Laotian oper ation.

Officials say this would give the enemy a new way to move men and supplies toward Our export carpenters do the ffS NO CLOSING COSTS, mf hidden charts or YOU FINISH or jub-eontrict and say ME YOUR FREE CATALOG i One ot 100 of E-l-H designs, k. Free architectural service, i UaoalBP90 treftfuistti Build an Evans International Home Hera' the perfect plan if you want io save by doing some of the finishing work yourself. Build to your plans, our plans-or the hK nf hnth Wm hnilrt nn vnur Inf fnnnrlalinn. All materials RCA AtcuColor FEATURES AcciiColor ultra-bright picture tube RCA's finest color lube. Easy, accurate tuning with RCA'i AccuCotor tuning system AccuTint gives pleasing, more natural flesh tones channel to channel, scene to 1 Computer-designed Automatic Fine Tuning selects the correct signal electronically.

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W-14 MinMMhl. VinnMHiS, Miu ibhtt I pita Iwilil SMa wrlh tmshin wink conlKl mi SEND I 3 1 1' lm turn. rC: i SI. Ct nfunt toll) SI. (I I 111 tot I tan sunt fleast hntm 0r Own Trainta DRAA7ZA a I3M374 11 Whirlpool Dryers 2424 road ICWCCST I I Counl TTT SS Ss fSP 7 fci, iA it- 4 1 1.

Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.